Kiblin to lead Lake Walk tour of lakeshore buffer gardens


Ryan Kiblin, gardens and landscaping supervisor, sits in the Fletcher Hall rain garden. She leads BTG’s Lake Walk beginning at 6:30 p.m. today at the street side of the Gleason Hotel. Daily file photo.

Beverly Hazen | Staff Writer

For the last “Lake Walk” educational event sponsored by the Bird, Tree & Garden Club this season, attendees will have an opportunity to meet Ryan Kiblin, gardens and landscaping supervisor, as she conducts a walk to “Chautauqua’s Buffer Gardens.”

All are welcome to meet at 6:30 p.m. today at the street side of the Gleason Hotel at 12 North Lake to learn about lakeshore plantings and erosion control from the person who is responsible, as she said, “for every pansy and petunia” blooming on the Chautauqua grounds.

Kiblin is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the ties between the land, the water and the interconnection of the entire environment.

“The buffer zones do more than just protect the lake by filtering out nutrients and providing a slow water flow,” she said. Appropriate plants in the buffer zones provide an invaluable service to the lakeshore community.

“You want the native plants to provide native insects to feed the native wildlife,” she said. “That whole circle of life is important.”

She said that circle is interrupted, for example, if the native shrubs are not there to produce the berries necessary for the native birds.

Kiblin also is conscious of gardening products that would contaminate the lake and other steps that produce negative results, such as concrete retaining walls.

“A lot of people want to be educated, and that is what we are doing,” Kiblin said.

She said she would be happy to answer questions from the attendees during this event.

The BTG “Lake Walk” events are in partnership with the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy. Various “Walk” leaders who are active members of the organization present the weekly programs. Everyone is welcome to come, enjoy the walk and ask questions. This walk will take place rain or shine, so bring proper rain attire if necessary.